Hungarian Scout Association
Scouting is the world’s largest educational youth movement engaging 54 million young people, adult leaders and volunteers in 224 countries and territories worldwide. As a growing Movement, Scouting is deeply embedded in local communities, responding to the diverse needs and aspirations of young people through transformative education, training and learning opportunities. In the 200 groups of the Hungarian Scout Association, which was founded in 1912, there are more than 10 thousand Scouts working actively, in collaboration with the Hungarian Scout communities living abroad.
Our vision, and hence, goal is the following: society should consist of down-to-earth, committed, responsible and healthy citizens, who are devoted to advance towards God through their own continuous self-improvement. For this reason we provide a life model, and we educate young people with the help of volunteers; we provide this opportunity to everyone who is open to the values of the movement and would participate actively in the life of his/her community. We carry out all this using informal means of education – the Scout method –, which focuses on small community education, learning by doing, as well as inspiring and pleasant programmes.
Check our booklet here: What is scouting all about?
Be prepared!
Hungarian Scout Association
Budapest Pf. 192.